Registration form

Registration form

Membership stop and waiting list

There is currently a membership freeze for regular senior memberships. You can still register, but you will be placed on a waiting list. As soon as space becomes available due to cancellations, members on the waiting list will be approached by the membership administration. The waiting list only exists for people who want to play tennis in the evening. Youth members and off-peak members are accepted immediately. To register for the waiting list or as a youth or off-peak hours member, you can fill in the form below.

Training/Tennis Lessons

Tennis lessons are not included with a membership and due to limited capacity it might not be possible to provide a spot in a training group for all new members. We try to place all applicants, but especially on opular times it is possible that there won't be a place available. On this form you can indicate if availability of tennis lessons is requisite for you to become a member.

Click here for more information about the conditions and rates of each type of membership

Click here for more information about registering for tennis lessons after you have joined as a member

Questions about this form? Contact the membership administration here

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